Lately I've been researching possibilities to detect anomalies during runtime in containers. I came across Sysdig’s open source project Falco which seems to do just that. Quoted from their site: "Falco, the open source cloud-native runtime security project, is the defacto Kubernetes threat detection engine. Falco detects unexpected application behavior and alerts on threats at runtime."
Sounds good.. != host and = bash
The first clause checks that the event happened in a container (Sysdig events have a container field that is equal to "host" if the event happened on a regular host). The second clause checks that the process name is bash. Note that this condition does not even include a clause with a system call! It only checks event metadata. Because of that, if a bash shell does start up in a container, Falco outputs events for every syscall that is performed by that shell.
- macro: network_tool_procs
condition: ( in (network_tool_binaries))
- list: network_tool_binaries
items: [nc, ncat, nmap, dig, tcpdump, tshark, ngrep, telnet, mitmproxy, socat]
- rule: Launch Suspicious Network Tool in Container
desc: Detect network tools launched inside container
condition: >
spawned_process and container and network_tool_procs
output: >
Network tool launched in container ( command=%proc.cmdline parent_process=%proc.pname image=%container.image.repository:%container.image.tag)
priority: NOTICE
tags: [network, process, mitre_discovery, mitre_exfiltration]
Fun fact: the ‘condition’ field uses the Sysdig filter syntax.